Feline Wellness Care
All cats should be examined by one of our veterinarians annually, just as people should visit their physician and dentist regularly.
Adult Cat Preventative Care
SmartVet recommends having our veterinarians examine your cat every year to assess their health and note any changes. If your cat is older or has medical problems, they may need even more frequent examinations. Cats age more rapidly than humans, with one year in a cat’s life equivalent to roughly five years in human life. Think how many health changes can occur in that span! Cats are also masters at hiding disease, and wellness checks allow our veterinarian to detect subtle health issues before they become more serious.

Annual Exam
An annual exam at SmartVet includes a thorough nose-to-tail examination, appropriate vaccinations, parasite control, nutrition, weight, and behavioral counseling. Our veterinarian will be able to advise you on preventive care measures you can take at home to help your cat live a long and healthy life.
We welcome any and all input you may have regarding your cat’s health, including symptoms you find concerning or telltale behavioral indicators of deeper issues. Please discuss with us any changes you may have noticed at home, especially behavior, eating and drinking, litterbox habits, or changes in activity levels.
Physical Exam
A wellness check for your cat takes a thorough look at their well-being and may include:
- Bone, joint, and muscle examination
- Skin and coat examination
- Heart and lung evaluation
- Eye and ear health examinations
- Abdominal check
- Urinary tract and genital exam
- Neurological check
- Nutrition consultation & weight assessment
- Lifestyle and behavior consultation
- Fecal exam to check for intestinal parasites
- Thorough dental exam
Cat owners often overlook the condition of their cat’s teeth; it can be difficult for cat owners to get a good look inside their cat’s mouth. Dental disease can lead to the spread of bacteria through the bloodstream, settling in vital organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver and causing serious illness.
Health problems are always easier and less costly to treat when they are detected early.
There are many vaccines available to protect your cat from all sorts of diseases. Our philosophy is to vaccinate your cat for diseases that your cat is at risk of contracting. During your annual visit, our veterinarian will discuss the recommended vaccines for your cat with you and administer them as needed.
Many people think that indoor cats do not need vaccines. This is not true. The most common carrier of the Rabies virus is bats. A rabid bat does not behave normally. It will fly into places it would not normally go and will land in places it wouldn’t normally land. From a basement door to a balcony door many floors up, a bat can fly in and potentially infect a cat. Rabies is extremely serious and nearly always fatal for pets and people. Additionally, rabies vaccines are required by law.
It has always been our goal to recommend vaccines that are needed for individual cats, rather than having a one-size-fits-all protocol. We do not have a blanket protocol that fits all our patients. For cats that are over 1 year of age, we recommend the 3-year vaccines for rabies and feline distemper.
Make sure your cats stay healthy by keeping up to date with their vaccines. Call us to schedule your cat’s exam and vaccines today.
Veterinary Services in Normal, IL
Canine Wellness Care
Pet Veterinary Pharmacy
Pet Microchipping
Pet Euthanasia
Pet Vaccinations
Pet Ultrasound
Pet Quality-of-Life Scale
Pet After Care Options